Lily's Newborn Photos

When Lily was two weeks old, we hired a newborn photographer to take photos of her at our house. I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "Wait, aren't YOU a photographer??" Yes, I am! But I don't have cute newborn props, studio lights, or the experience to twist and bend a small baby into all of those cute little shapes. It's totally a niche field in photography, and one I know nothing about!So we hired Monica because she had over 10 years of experience photographing newborns. We weren't sure how the session was going to go since newborns are unpredictable and call all the shots, but it went soooo well! I breastfed Lily right before Monica showed up, so she had a full belly and was nice and sleepy for the shoot. Monica gently dressed her in different outfits, moved her little arms and legs into adorable positions, and Lily peacefully slept the entire time; no big deal.Monica delivered a gallery with about 30 photos, but the package we purchased only included 10 images, with the option to pay extra for each photo after that. So, it took us about a week to narrow down which 10 we wanted to keep (this was SO difficult to do!) but I'm pretty happy with the ones we chose. That last photo was everyone's favorite. She looks like a cuddly little coffee bean haha. I can't believe our baby was ever this small! She's growing so much every day. Can't wait to catch up on posts and share the adventures we've been having with her!As always, thanks for reading. xo


A Life Update

