Pumpkin Patch

I think I finally like fall. I finally understand the hype. I've always been very anti-fall because when I lived in Wisconsin, fall felt like a bully, coming only briefly to remind you summer was officially over and that you had six or so months of brutal weather and horrid snow to look forward to. (Yeah, I was a bit of a pessimist.) But now that I live somewhere that isn't freezing most of the time, I quite like the seasons changing. The fall colors in Seattle have been so beautiful and the weather has been pretty nice, too.

So last weekend, in true fall fashion, I headed south to Kent to pick out some pumpkins with Adam and Sarah. We went to the Carpintino Brothers pumpkin patch and it was crazy packed. We still found some good pumpkins though (I like them extra warty) and somehow resisted the tempting smells of the sweet kettle corn being popped nearby.

As we were walking through the fields, we realized that maybe we were a little too old to be doing this without little kids in tow, but then decided we didn't care because screw that, I'll carve pumpkins every year regardless of whether or not kids are in the picture! Halloween is the best. Pumpkins rule. End of story.

After we got our pumpkins, we drove to Curry & Kabab for dinner. Adam's friend is the chef there, so he always spoils us. The food is soooo good. We got back to Seattle too late to carve the pumpkins, so Adam and I carved ours the other night.

Here they are hanging out in front of our kitchen window. I cooked the pumpkin seeds the next day and brought them to the Star Wars marathon party we went to on Halloween. They were a huge hit. :) Unfortunately, we had to throw the pumpkins away last night because they were growing an insane amount of mold. It was fun smashing them in the compost bin outside, though, even if they were leaking nasty pumpkin juice all over Adam's pants. Good times. Happy Halloween!


Friday Favorites // Volume 1


Seattle Corgi Parade 2015